What we do
Our vision is to add value to organisations who are generating positivity in terms of their environmental and societal impact. We can do this through our marketing and education for sustainability services.
We also have significant experience in the waste management industry and welcome any opportunity to help you reduce, reuse and recycle.
We agree that the customer is everything.
We can help you understand your customers and communicate with them.
Wherever you are on your customer journey, we can add value through:
Market analysis
Marketing strategy
Brand development
Integrated communication plans
Campaign planning and management
Customer journey analysis
Event management
Social media management
Copy writing & content creation
Creative briefs
Agency liaison
Media releases and media liaison
We work with award winning design agencies in the UK and in Jersey to deliver bespoke creatives that will capture the hearts and minds of your customers.
Education for Sustainability
If your organisation is adding value to the world around us, we can help to spread the word.
We love creating learning resources that help to develop more sustainable ways of living.
This is a missed opportunity for many organisations and this isn’t a sales pitch in disguise, we believe that every organisation has a story to tell and many of these stories benefit the world around us. These stories can be linked to practical and curriculum linked learning. Let us show you through:
Curriculum mapping
Education programme development
Creation of lesson plans
Creation of resources
Liaison with education providers
Forest School and Beach School lesson plans and resources
Plans and resources to support accreditation programmes i.e. UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools Award, Eco-Schools, etc.
Our resources will not only support your organisation and achieve learning objectives but we will help to develop essential life skills such as self-esteem, independence and empowerment.
There is also an opportunity for your organisation to support schools at a local and/or national level by sponsoring the development of resources. This can be a powerful part of your social responsibility programme.
Waste management
We have 12 years of experience working in the waste management sector with a particular focus on finding solutions to manage household and trade waste up the Waste Hierarchy.
We can help you with:
Waste strategy and policy
Service reviews
Developing partnerships and networks
Research projects
Waste composition
Kerbside recycling review and development
Reuse and waste minimisation opportunities
Workplace recycling schemes
Integrated marketing strategy and delivery
Education programmes
Training and resources